Rating 7.5

Sam Neang Sne Reusya

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សំនៀងស្នេហ៍ឬស្យា, กาเหว่า, Sam Neang Sne Reusya, Gawao (2020)
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Synopsis Sam Neang Sne Reusya

Title: សំនៀងស្នេហ៍ឬស្យា, กาเหว่า, Sam Neang Sne Reusya, Gawao (2020)

Raven sits stunned and doesn’t know where to get the money from. Tawan then decides to take the Raven to see Pantip and get rid of it. Panthip saw the crow’s face for the first time and immediately cried and hugged him. Until the cuckoo was startled Eliminate agrees to let the crows borrow money to redeem the mother and aunt. makes the raven very happy Pantip called the crows “children in every word”. and asked her to be here. But the cuckoo refused. Pantip yelled that he could let Fuenglada go somewhere else. I just want the crow to come back. But Raven confirmed that she was Ubon’s only daughter. Tawan asked Pantip to calm down. Fuanglada as well But Panthip was emotionally accused that Feunglada wanted to steal her daughter’s property. making Feunglada very sad It can be eliminated, but please Fueanglada to calm down. Feunglada fled to sit and cry in a park. Tawan called to tell Owl. So the owl came to comfort Feunglada. Until you calm down


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