Rating 7.9

Ukret Kam Besdoung

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Doctor Stranger, 닥터 이방인, ឧក្រិដ្ឋកម្ម បេះដូង, វេជ្ជបណ្ឌិតចំលែក, វេជ្ជបណ្ឌិតវ័យក្មេង, Ukret Kam Besdoung, Vechchak Bandet Chamlek, គ្រូពេទ្យចម្លែក | phumikhmer | khmer movie | video4khmer | srok khmer | Kolabkhmer | ONE Legend | sweetdrama | Kisskh | Khmer Avenue
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Synopsis Ukret Kam Besdoung

Title: Doctor Stranger, 닥터 이방인, ឧក្រិដ្ឋកម្ម បេះដូង, Ukret Kam Besdoung.

A spy melodrama with medicine about genius surgeon Park Hoon (Lee Jong-seok), who was born in South Korea and raised in North Korea, and Han Jae-joon (Park Hae-jin), Korea’s most elite doctor, in the midst of a whirlwind of fate, carrying out the biggest operation in North and South Korea.

With the name of the writer and director, many expectations were raised even before the airing, but Park Hoon-Song Jae-hee’s love line and the love triangle with Oh Soo-hyun, who were involved in it, and Jang Seok-joo devised a political conspiracy using Cha Jin-su’s operation to South Korea, while Cha Jin-su Song Jae-hee It is not enough to try to get revenge on Park Hoon at the same time as he is plotting against South Korea by using ‘Park Hoon’ and the friendship between Park Hoon and Han Jae-Jun. As a result of trying to unravel it by tying it together medically, the content flew away from the mountain starting with episode 9, and eventually ended with a dragon head, contrary to expectations at the beginning of the airing.[3] However, the viewership ratings were consistently high at the same time.


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